Take Care of YOU

As moms, we hear it from everyone, “Take some time for yourself!” and “Don’t forget to take care of yourself, too!” But sometimes figuring out exactly what that means and what we might actually do, is more exhausting and daunting than planning it out. 

I’ll be the first to admit that I do not take enough time for myself (and I KNOW I’m not the only mama/woman to say this), but it’s a goal of mine to do so. In order to make it easier for me to actually take the time for myself when the opportunity arises, and hopefully all of you too, I’ve listed things I believe are restorative and fill our precious time in a useful and positive way. 

Read a book! 
If you haven’t jumped on the self help train yet, I highly recommend it. I know it seems cheesy and corny, but it can be so transformative. If you’re as squeezed on time as I am, try audiobooks! I listen to books in the car...it’s a major time saver and besides learning something, it’s a great de-stressor without using up any extra time. 

Having an aligned, open, healthy, happy body is important. Feeling good physically can help all aspects of life feel better. 

Again...feeling good physically opens the door for all kinds of positivity. Plus the endorphins, increased energy, and confidence boost you get from movin’ your body is amazing (and healthfully addictive)!

Time with friends  
Whether you have to make a play date to hang out with friends, or if you’re able to get AWAY from the kids with friends, talking to people you genuinely enjoy is like a dose of sunshine for your soul. When you need a boost, stick to mom friends who “get” you, or talk to a friend who doesn’t have kids yet or who knew you before kids—you’ll be reminded of how spunky you were and also make you appreciate where your life is now. 

I don’t need to explain this, right? Cool. 

Try an artistic outlet 
Placing your energy into something without boundaries and activating a different area of your brain can leave you so refreshed...and you’ll have something to look at and remind you of how amazing and talented and creative you are!

Start something new 
A dance class, a new workout routine (you don’t need to go to a gym-find something on YouTube), a different mascara...seriously anything out of your regular routine can make a big difference, even something really small. My favorite way to mix things up? New blush...I know, scandalous. 

Get your hair/nails/toes did 
Spending a little time and money on yourself, and admittedly something pretty impractical, can be a sweet treat and a nice little self esteem boost. 

Clean something really well, without interruption. 
This isn’t for everyone...but I know when I get to organize a cabinet I’ve been complaining about for months, and I get to do it with nothing but music and my thoughts surrounding me, it’s transcendent. 

With your kids, by yourself, badly, provocatively, dorky, it doesn’t matter. Just dance like nobody’s watching and it’ll do the trick. 

What’s your favorite way to spend time on yourself and refresh your mind? Tell me in the comments! 


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